Pinsteps. “last chance” restaurant in Almog intersection Dead Sea
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Once upon a time, there was a tent built and designed by Dani, the charming and handsome owner of the place. This tent was the most romantic place in the country according to the newspaper "Leisha", but the electrical fire burned down the foundation of Dani's life work. He rebuilt it. This time, the structure was sturdy and wouldn't easily catch fire, still preserving something of the original tent's atmosphere. The atmosphere in the place is truly unique. It is a blend of bedouin coffee and Marley music.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
St. George's Monastery and Qumran of Feb 21, 2023

A one spring day trip to St. George's Monastery in Wadi Qelt and the Qumran archaeological site offers a unique glimpse into the religious, mystic, and spiritual traditions of the northern part of the Dead Sea. The journey starts with a visit to St. George's Monastery in Wadi Qelt. This historic monastery is located in a remote desert canyon and was established by early Christian monks who sought solitude and asceticism. Visitors can see the remains of the monastic complex, including the church, cells, and cisterns. The peaceful atmosphere of the monastery and its surrounding landscape contrasts the bustling modern world and offers a glimpse into the early practices of monks in the region.

After visiting the monastery, the trip continues to the Last Chance eatery at the Almog intersection for a delicious meal. This is an excellent opportunity to take a break and refuel before continuing to the Qumran archaeological site.

Located near the northwestern shore of the Dead Sea, the Qumran site was inhabited by a Jewish community during the Second Temple period and is most commonly associated with the Essenes, a mystic sect. Visitors can see the remains of the buildings and cisterns that were used by the community, as well as learn about the history and culture of the ancient Jewish community in the region.

The unique atmosphere of the northern part of the Dead Sea, including its religious, mystic, and spiritual traditions, is evident in both St. George's Monastery and Qumran. These two sites offer a fascinating insight into the diverse religious practices and beliefs of the ancient communities who lived in the region. They highlight the enduring legacy of the early Christian monks who sought solitude and asceticism in the Wadi Qelt caves.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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