Pinsteps. The Macalister mound, Tel Gezer, Israel
Places to visit in ישראל. Languages: en, he, ru

Macalister, the son of Professor of Zoology, the University of Dublin, first interested in the archaeology of Ireland, developed a keen interest in biblical archaeology. He excavated several ancient hills in Ottoman Palestine from 1898 to 1900. From 1902 to 1909, he was responsible for the excavations at Gezer and found the very early Hebrew calendrical inscription. Although he managed to compile the first chronology of the place, based on the relative stratigraphy of Flinders Petrie - the prototype of Indiana Johnson, Makalister made many big mistakes that left many questions to subsequent generations of archaeologists. We climbed the mound that Makalister left from the waste material being excavated. To our right is the valley of the Gezer stream, which flows into the Ayalon River. Directly below the mound is the city’s tower. To our left are the coastal valley and the towns of the Greater Tel Aviv area. It is here that it becomes clear that the main ways of the ancient world between Egypt and Mesopotamia passed here and intersected with the road from Jaffa to Jerusalem.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Tel Gezer, Israel

A walk along Tel Gezer reveals the most unexpected and amazing moments of the distant past. The oldest Hebrew inscription was found here. The giant pagan altar of Canaan was found here. The city gates of the times of King Solomon were found here. Spring is the best time for walking. A green carpet of lush grass covers the hill slopes, and trails lead to the cold waters of a natural spring in the middle of wheat fields.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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