Pinsteps. The Old Man of Storr: A Canvas for Creativity and Inspiration
Places to visit in United Kingdom. Languages: en

The Old Man of Storr, a striking rock formation on the Isle of Skye, has long inspired artists, photographers, and filmmakers. Its iconic pinnacles have been the backdrop to creative expression and stunning visual documentation.

In the late summer of 2005, the landscape around the Old Man of Storr transformed into a breathtaking stage for an environmental art installation. Created by NVA, a Scottish ecological arts company, the project collaborated with artists, designers, and musicians. Directed by Angus Farquhar, with design contributions from "" and David Bryant, the artwork was a multisensory experience. Music by Geir Jenssen and Paul Mounsey mingled with the live performance of Gaelic singer Anne Martin, all while incorporating recordings of the works of Gaelic poet Somhairle MacGill-Eain. This art event was one of the last major works by David Bryant before his death from cancer in 2007, earning him posthumous acclaim with a Plasa Lighting Design award.

The Old Man of Storr's photogenic qualities have also been recognised. A photograph of the pinnacles looking towards Raasay and South Rona won the "Take a View: Landscape Photo of the Year" award in 2009. The majestic rock formation even caught the attention of Hollywood, becoming a filming location for the science-fiction film "Prometheus" in January 2012.

Beyond visual arts, the Old Man of Storr has been a muse for musical creativity. British composer Matthew Taylor was so awe-struck by the formation that he composed an orchestral piece named "Storr." It was commissioned and premiered by various orchestras, echoing the grandeur of the landscape.

The Old Man of Storr's presence looms large, not just as a geological marvel but as a canvas for human creativity and expression. Its silhouette is etched on the horizon and in the arts, reflecting a profound connection between the natural world and human imagination.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Isle of Skye: From the Peaks of The Old Man of Storr to the Coastal Cliffs of Kilt Rock of Jul 16, 2023

Our adventure on the Isle of Skye began with a captivating hike to the Old Man of Storr, an iconic rock formation. We trekked through vibrant, rugged landscapes and were rewarded with stunning views from the top. The towering pinnacle and its surrounding pinnacles are a unique geological wonder, standing tall against Skye's dramatic backdrop. This place, steeped in local legends and folklore, lent an air of mystery to our exploration. Along the way, we discovered greenish clay at the base of the Old Man, hinting at the island's rich ceramic traditions and Viking heritage.

Next, we were enthralled by the sight of the Kilt Rock and Mealt Falls Viewpoint. The Kilt Rock, named so for its striking resemblance to a kilt, features vertical basalt columns resting on a bed of sandstone. From the viewpoint, we were treated to a breathtaking spectacle of the Mealt Falls, plummeting 55 meters into the sea. The gushing water against the sounds of the winds and waves seemed like an orchestra of nature, offering an experience to remember. We were also fascinated by the nesting seabirds, such as fulmars, which make the cliff face their home.

However, our journey took an unexpected turn while driving on the island's narrow, winding roads. The tire of our vehicle got punctured due to the jagged edges of the roadside curb. Stranded without a spare tire, our journey came to a halt. Despite being in a region with no cellular connection, we were fortunate to meet a resident who helped us contact our rental company. Although the arrival of a technician brought some relief, it turned out he had come to tow our car back to the garage rather than replace the tire. A replacement had to be ordered from the mainland, implying we'd be without our vehicle until the following evening.

Though initially a setback, this incident led us on a different kind of adventure. We began exploring Skye's enchanting landscapes using public transport, discovering its beauty from a different perspective. Our impromptu bus adventure allowed us to interact more with locals and fellow travellers, making our journey even more memorable.

In the end, our trip to the Isle of Skye, though filled with unforeseen circumstances, offered many memorable experiences. From mesmerising landscapes to fascinating wildlife, historical influences to unexpected adventures, the island provided a captivating blend of nature, culture, and adventure.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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