Pinsteps. Confluence of Shilo Stream and Yarkon River: A Tale of Nature and History
Places to visit in Hod Hasharon. Languages: en, ru

Shilo Stream, winding its way from the Samarian hills to the Yarkon River, spans 50 kilometers. In the winter months, it transforms into a vibrant watercourse, characterized by robust flows and occasional flash floods, creating a captivating natural display. This stream, although seasonal, is significant, contributing about a quarter of the Yarkon River's drainage basin.

Emerging from the Shilo Valley, 700 meters above sea level, in a region steeped in historical and geopolitical complexities, Shilo Stream navigates through a landscape marked by contention. Its upper reaches meander close to the Israeli West Bank barrier, traversing areas under varying degrees of Palestinian and Israeli control, necessitating cautious exploration, often with armed accompaniment for safety.

The stream's ecological value is profound, forming a natural corridor that links the Samarian highlands to the coastal plains. The water's distinctive white-brown tint is a result of its journey past chalk quarries, a testament to the area's rich geological activity. As it meanders westward, it merges with Mazor Stream near the southern foothills of Migdal Tzedek National Park, close to Rosh HaAyin, before joining the Yarkon River.

Pictures uploaded by @Evgeny Praisman
List of trips including this place
Evgeny Praisman
Israel National Trail Segment: Petah Tikva to Tel Afek Antipatris Park – A Scenic Hiking Experience of Jan 20, 2024

Hiking along the Yarkon River in central Israel, from Petah Tikva to the old railway station in Rosh HaAyin, offers a picturesque and historically rich experience. This trail winds through scenic fields and orange groves, unveiling unique moments of both history and nature. Key attractions along the route include old mills, the concrete house, Kfar Baptistim, and two national parks: the Yarkon River Sources and Tel Afek Antipatris. Along the trail, there are two rest areas for hikers to relax and enjoy the region's inspiring natural beauty and captivating stories.

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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