This theater began its history with the decree of Peter’s first daughter Elizabeth Petrovna on August 30, 1756. The territory on which the theater was built belonged to the Anichkov family. 40 years before the beginning of the construction of the theater, a bridge was built near the Fontanka River, which became known as Anichkov. The soldiers who built the bridge lived in Anichkova settlement. From Nevsky Prospect to this territory Anichkov Lane led - now it is called Krylov Lane. Translated with Google Translate
The modern theater building was erected by Carlo di Giovanni (Carl Ivanovich) Rossi. Originally from Naples, this talented man, along with his mother, a ballet dancer and stepfather — a famous French ballet dancer found himself in St. Petersburg at the invitation of the imperial ballet troupe during the reign of Catherine II. Rossi is famous for its masterpieces and engineering solutions. For the first time, the use of metal trusses for the first time was used at the Alexandrinsky Theater. As Rossi himself said: “If any misfortune occurs from the arrangement of metal rafters of the theater, then, as an example for others, let them immediately hang me on one of the rafters”. Translated with Google Translate
The interior of the theater was created according to the sketches of Rossi and was originally made in blue. However, he quickly became bloody oil lamps and was replaced with purple velvet and gilded wood carvings. Translated with Google Translate
The Anichkov Park is named after the famous Anichkov family, who are descended from the Tatar khan Burk, who were in the service of Ivan Kalita, who was baptized and adopted the name Onikii - his descendants were called Anichkov. Translated with Google Translate
In the center of the square stands a monument to Catherine II, timed to coincide with the centenary of accession to the throne. His solid granite pedestal was brought from the Karelian Peninsula and brought here from the Summer Garden embankment by a special collapsible railway. Translated with Google Translate
This large stone ball rotates from streams of water. Every hour the flow of water changes direction, going down 12 steps. With the change of water flow - the direction of rotation of the ball changes. This is a modern fountain - a clock at the beginning of Malaya Sadovaya Street, which is a continuation of the architectural line of Anichkov Park and Ostrovsky Square. All these buildings, like Rossi Street, leaving the Alexandria Theater, are the fruit of the Russian architect. Translated with Google Translate
This luxurious house was built at the beginning of the 20th century as a store of merchants Eliseev. In just 100 years from the moment of the gift to the free serf gardener Elisey Semenov in 1813, the Eliseev family became a famous merchant's house in Russia, and the name of the Eliseevsky shop is still closely associated with high quality and prestige among Petersburgers and Muscovites. It all started with the fruit trade. Translated with Google Translate
Here in the basement of the famous shop there is a restaurant in the style of tavern. As it once was - in pre-revolutionary times. Yummy. Handsomely. Faceted glasses on the leg, cramped fabrics, heavy cutlery and melting in the mouth pies with fillings as in childhood! If so eaten in taverns before the revolution, why was the revolution needed? In general, according to the historical film broadcast here, this basement called warehouse number 5 was one of the best wine cellars in Europe. Translated with Google Translate
The architect Baranovsky built the Eliseevsky shop on the request of Eliseev in 1898. And in the past 17 years before this event, in 1881, from the basements of the neighboring "Warehouse of Cheeses", the People of the People dug a mine to explode mines. They were preparing an attempt on Alexander II. Translated with Google Translate
The Passage shop on Nevsky was opened in the middle of the 19th century and became one of the most famous and richest places in the city. There were shops, apartments in it, and in the concert hall from Italianskaya Street, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Chernyshevsky, Nekrasov performed with literary readings. Let's walk along Italian street about Mikhailovsky Square. Translated with Google Translate
Italian street is so named after the Italian house of entertainment that stood here in the 18th century. By the way, this is one of the streets in the city center, which is lined with paving stones. The large and beautiful park in front of the Russian Museum (Former Mikhailovsky Palace) is called the Mikhailovsky Garden, and Ekaterina Alekseyevna Mikhailova (nee Marta Skavronskaya), the second wife of Peter the Great, the empress after the death of her husband and the mother of Empress Elizaveta, bred the gardens. Translated with Google Translate
The Mikhailovsky Theater (as well as the palace) forms an art square and is named after Prince Michael, the youngest son of Emperor Paul. Catherine the Second, the Great, was the grandmother of Mikhail, and Prince Mikhail himself is called porphyrogenic — he was born to the reigning emperor, unlike his elder brothers, who were born before Paul ascended the throne. In this theater, conducted by Johann Strauss, danced Matilda Kshesinskaya (the love of Russia's last autocrat — Nicholas II), sang Fyodor Chaliapin and performed Sarah Bernard. Translated with Google Translate
The building of the Russian Museum Benois Wing on the Griboyedov Canal appeared after the revolution. Its construction began on the project of Benoit in 1914, but ceased due to the outbreak of the First World War. The building was erected in 1919 and was intended for the conduct of exhibitions. Translated with Google Translate
The Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ or the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood stands on the spot where in March 1881 Emperor Alexander II was mortally wounded from a bomb blast. In the cathedral there is a monument erected at the place where the events took place and the real pavement of that time was preserved near it. Translated with Google Translate
The temple was built by the decree of the son of the king - Emperor Alexander the Third for popular funds collected throughout Russia. Translated with Google Translate
The bridge over the Griboyedov Canal (formerly Yekaterininsky Canal) received its present name only in 1998 after the name of the adjacent Konyushennaya Square, and it was built as an auxiliary bridge for the construction of the Church of the Savior on Blood in the 1880s. The bridge was wooden until 1967. Translated with Google Translate
The Great Konyushenny Bridge was built over the Moika River and named after the famous royal stables located nearby. The first bridge on the site was movable and wooden and was built in 1753. Near the moto at nab. rkay Moyka 12 is a museum apartment AS Pushkin. Pushkin went from this apartment to meet his second at the Wolf and Beranzhe pastry shop (point 29 on our route) and from there to a duel to the Black River. Translated with Google Translate
Millionnaya street is one of the most ancient in the city. She remembers the Dutch German, Greek, Danish settlements. The name stuck on the Millionniy House of Count Sheremetev, located at the beginning of the street - luxury and wealth of which knew no bounds. Today, a sports committee is located in this house, and initially it was the profitable home of Abamelek-Lazarev, Russia's largest industrialist, who owned the entire Perm mining complex. Translated with Google Translate
The Winter Bridge is named after the Winter Canal, which was dug up during the construction of the Peter the Great Winter Palace. And originally the bridge was called German, thanks to the neighborhood with the German settlement or Millionniy - by the name of the street. Translated with Google Translate
Here they are the famous Atlanta from the song of Gorodnitsky: Where, without drinking and bread, forgotten in centuries, the Atlanteans hold the sky on their stone hands. But not at all centuries-old atlani before us. They were created by the sculptor Teremenev in the middle of the 19th century to decorate the portico of the entrance to the Hermitage Museum. Translated with Google Translate
There are a total of 10 Atlantes. One of them was seriously injured during the war, when a German shell hit the Hermitage building. Translated with Google Translate
The Hermitage is the main art museum in Russia. His collection is based on a private collection created by Empress Catherine. The name Hermitage comes from the French solitude - this was the name of the part of the palace in which Catherine could be alone. Later, the Small Hermitage began to be called, and the new building was completed in the middle of the 19th century, and the entrance to it was decorated with Atlanta. Translated with Google Translate
Tourist centre. Here you can easily and quickly book seats and buy tickets for all events and attractions of the city. Here we bought a ticket for a boat departing for Peterhof. Sometimes it is better to do this in advance and it is here, and not on the pier itself, because there may be no tickets - boats on hydrofoils plying between the city and Peterhof are limited in the number of seats. Translated with Google Translate
This house was built in 1779 for representatives of the ancient noble family Shishmaryov. By the way, this very name - Shishmarev - bears the city in Alaska. In Soviet times, the Neva magazine was located in this house. Translated with Google Translate
This house originally belonged to the brothers Berdnikov. Artists state councilors. At the end of the 19th century, the Polish banker Vavelberg bought it and the restructuring of the building began. It was then that the house acquired the current look. Translated with Google Translate
According to one of the St. Petersburg traditions, it is customary not to complain about the banker Wavelberg. No one remembers why. But the bike says that at the entrance to the bank on the door was quite a harmless sign: "From myself", and when the banker saw her, he asked to "correct" the situation with another inscription: "To yourself." Translated with Google Translate
Before the revolution, a bank was located in this building along a brick lane, and after the restructuring, one of the oldest universities in the country settled - the University of Design. The lane is called brick, because at its exit to the river Moika there was a pier, in which barges with bricks were unloaded. Translated with Google Translate
In this corner house at the intersection of Nevsky Prospect and the Moika embankment, there was once the first Eliseev store. But the most famous house brought the famous confectionery Wolf and Beranzhe. Here he met with his second Danzas A.S. Pushkin on the way to a duel. Lermontov, Dostoevsky Chernyshevsky stayed in this cafe. They say that in this cafe, and in the absence of boiled water PI. Tchaikovsky was served raw water and a few days later he died from cholera. Today, the cafe revived the tradition of literary readings and it has an excellent pastry shop. Translated with Google Translate
This bridge across the river Moika began to be called green thanks to its color as early as 1730. It was built for the construction of an important highway - Nevsky Prospect. The car wash was then the boundary of the city and collected travel fees on the bridge. Behind the bridge stands the beautiful pink-and-white palace of the old Russian family of the Stroganovs. This is the most ancient creation of Rastrelli, preserved without any special changes to the present day. Translated with Google Translate
This beautiful house - the current library and art center named after Mayakovsky begins its history as a Dutch Lutheran church for the Dutch community, so beloved by Peter and has done so much for the history of the city. Land for construction belonged to Vice Admiral Cornelius Cruys - a Norwegian originally from Stavanger. It was him after meeting in Amsterdam that Peter hires the first to create a Russian military fot. By the way, I take the Moika on the opposite side, where the Eliseevs shop was, and then the Wolf and Beranzhe confectionery was also granted by Peter to Vice Admiral Cruys. Translated with Google Translate
In the middle of the 19th century, watchmaker Pavel Edouard Bure arrived in St. Petersburg from one of the smallest cities in Switzerland - Le Lokol. In 1880, he will be awarded the title of supplier of his imperial majesty and will become the most famous watch salon in the city. Translated with Google Translate
Kazan Cathedral was built to store the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan on the eve of the Patriotic War of 1812. After the war, Mikhail Kutuzov was buried in it. In the park in front of the cathedral there are monuments of warlords of the war of 1812 - Mikhail Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly. On the opposite side of Nevsky Prospekt, the famous Singer House, the one whose sewing machines have conquered the whole world, is towering. Translated with Google Translate
Kazan Bridge over the Griboyedov Canal is one of the three widest bridges in the city. Its width is almost 100 meters. It is strange to think, but the bridge at the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, which was built as an auxiliary bridge for the construction of the temple, was 115 meters wide and was left after construction solely for reasons of convenience. Translated with Google Translate
The complex of the large guest yard is one of the architectural monuments of world importance. In St. Petersburg there were many hotels in the courtyards since the very creation of the city, and during the time of Catherine the Great there were even more. The prototype of this Gostiny Dvor was Mytny Dvor (customs), which stood at the Green Bridge. The city grew and along the Nevsky a new large hotel courtyard was created. By the way, in 1840 it was one of the first places in the city fully illuminated by gas lamps. Translated with Google Translate