Places to visit in Vienna

Albertina and Stephen's Cathedral.


From Stephansplatz through the ancient Karststrasse to the Albertina Gallery. In Albertine, there was a Monet exhibition, when the works of this artist were brought from different museums of the world and exhibited together, presenting the same places at different times of the year or at different times of the day. And the walk ended on the square of the old market, the funny story of Mark Twain. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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1.26 km
2h 34 m
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The square in front of Vienna’s central cathedral is named after St. Stephen, like the cathedral itself. In fact, the cathedral and the square appeared inside the city walls only with the beginning of the 13th century. Until that time, the main church of the city was the church of St. Petra, a complex of buildings on Am Hof and the church of Rupert. Gradually, with the development of the city, buildings began to appear around the cathedral, and even before the beginning of the 18th century, it housed a cemetery and a cemetery chapel of St. Magdalen. At the end of the 19th century, the whole area was reorganized and connected to the neighboring Stock am Aizen. In 1973, during the construction of the metro, the already established new center of the old city pleased the crowns with an interesting find. Underground chapel of St. Virgil, which was associated with the chapel of Magdalena. Today, a mosaic is laid out on the square showing the outline of the Virgil chapel. Translated with Google Translate

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Kartrstrasse street is one of the ancient and important streets of the old town. Its name comes from the medieval Strata Carintianorum - udina or highway, which led south-southeast to Quarantia - modern Croatia. This street ran from Stockholm Aisen Square (today connected to Stefansplatz) to the Karitinsky Gate. This street is respected by buyers and sellers. They say that the most shopping in Vienna takes place here. Well, this is when not in order to make a smart purchase, but in order to participate in a shopping show. Translated with Google Translate

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Hotel Meissl & Schadn is a famous hotel that overlooks the Kärntner Straße Neuer-Markt square, the main facade. The beautiful painted facade in front of us is, in fact, “the back of the hotel. According to one of his contemporaries, the dawn era of bourgeois Vienna, this hotel was the place of "a noble bourgeoisie that no one sees and does not want to see." And the history of the place dates back to the middle of the XVII century, when there was the first hotel, called "At the Blue Deer". In 1852, it was acquired by a Viennese restaurant cooperative, which sold the building several decades later, and the Meissl & Schadn was built in 1894-96. Karl Hofmeyer. The facade, facing Kerntner Strasse, was decorated with a mosaic of Edward Veit, representing the five ends of the world. The famous guest at the hotel was the composer Edward Grieg, who stayed here in 1865, 1869 and 1896. In general, the Scandinavians frequented Vienna in the 19th century after the notes of Andersen, who spent a long time in this city. On the ground floor of the hotel’s Great Dining Hall, which opens onto Kärntner Strasse, on October 21, 1916, the socialist Friedrich Adler shot and killed Prime Minister Karl Graf Sturgh. The historic building burned down in 1945 during World War II. The side facing Kärntner Straße with the mosaic still existing has been preserved and was built into the wall of the new Hotel Europa, built, like the previous one, with the main facade facing the new market square. Translated with Google Translate

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Opposite there is the large Stefel department store with a viewing platform on the seventh floor, from there a beautiful view of Vienna and the Cathedral of St. Stefan. And in this department store a convenient system of VAT refunds for tourists. This is done in the machine without a queue quickly and in cash. Here, from the piquant shops on Kortnrstrasse, the famous shop of the German fashion designer and photographer Karl Lagerfeld is known. Design fame in clothes and accessories and a love of natural fur brought him world fame. His passion was more than once the object of attacks by animal defenders. Karl was not a little criticized by his sensational once marriage with his life partner Jacques to Basher. After the death of her husband from AIDS in 1989, Carl lives alone. Translated with Google Translate

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The Church of Malta, or the Church of the Order of St. John, began her story during the Crusades. Vienna was an important point on the path of the Crusades and Frederick Barbarossa - the German king, stayed in Vienna. The church was first mentioned in 1217. Until that time, on the site of the church was the "House of the Pruder of the Order of the Sand Johann", who devoted himself to pastoral work, caring for the poor and supporting the crusaders. Between 1205 and 1217, the Johannes (followers of the Order of St. John) probably settled in the then St. Johannes Strasse (today Kärntner Straße 35 / Johannesgasse 2), an important trade and military route through Vienna to Croatia. In the 17th century, the church was the preaching place of Abraham from Santa Clara by the court preacher and the founder of a special style of preaching. His sculpture was installed near Albertina, at the entrance to the Palace Park. Translated with Google Translate

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The Albertina Museum is located in the palace of Archduke Albrecht (Albert) - the son-in-law of Maria Theresa. She transferred the court from here, for which she bought a private palace on HerrenStrasse. Her daughter and her husband lived here after they returned from Bratislava, where they served as envoys of the Habsburg house in Hungary. There was founded a picture collection, which moved to this building. In 1792, the Archduke assembled a large collection in the Austrian Netherlands, where he also served as the envoy of the crown. Albrecht had no children and the couple was known as high connoisseurs of art. The permanent collection of Albertina's collection totals about a million paintings and drawings from the Renaissance to the present day, but the most interesting are temporary exhibitions. We got to the Monet exhibition. Translated with Google Translate

After a relatively long corridor, there is a spacious and bright room where you can purchase a ticket and an audio guide. Temporary exhibitions are held constantly and collect the work of one artist from different museums - this is the peculiarity and high value of Albertina. Translated with Google Translate

In Albertine, from the permanent work, the impressionists are very well represented. Among them are many Austrian artists, for example Oscar Kokoschka. The twists and turns of the fate of artists, writers and intellectuals of the beginning of the 20th century in Vienna are well described in guided tours of the city park. I strongly advise you to go there. Translated with Google Translate

In addition to being a gallery, Albertina hosts important conference events and events. A museum was being prepared for one of these events, and the photos speak for themselves. Style, taste, tradition. Translated with Google Translate

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At the Monet exhibition, my attention was attracted by a picture that I remembered from Parfyonov's film “The Eye of God”. There it was about Russian collectors, paintings that became the property of the Russian museum. One of the paintings depicts a pink mist through which the outlines of Westminster Abbey are barely visible and gulls flicker with white glare in the sunlight. I well remembered this picture for its mood. In Albertina, I was very surprised to see next to this picture several more, painted from the same place only at different times under different lighting conditions. These paintings were brought from various museums from Paris to Boston. It was in this vein that an exhibition was compiled — different paintings by the same author about the same thing. In one of the halls hung a picture of Monet's wife. She was pictured walking past the windows of the hall of their house. Immediately I recalled the plot from Parfyonov’s film, which said that Monet could buy this house for buying one of his paintings by Schukin. Translated with Google Translate

The modern building around Albertina is a lightweight concrete addition to the classic building. It does not interfere or conflict with the historical appearance of Albertina. The crowns are proud of this museum, and for American guests they like to remind that the foundation of the museum was on July 4, 1776 - the day of the declaration of independence of the United States of America. Translated with Google Translate

The Albertine Staircase is a living picture in motion. From a distance, it seems that people are walking in the picture. Upon closer examination, it is clear that this is a picture "cut" into steps. Each new exhibition is advertised in this way in Albertine. Translated with Google Translate

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The Church of the Holy Virgin Mary is the Roman Catholic church of the Capuchin monastery, in which a special crypt for centuries served as the burial place of the ruling Habsburg dynasty. Unlike the simple design of the church, the imperial chapel, which is extremely luxuriously furnished, contains a number of life-size statues of the rulers of the Habsburg family. The chapel received repeated donations from the imperial house. Over time, the tomb became a place of pilgrimage for the crowns. Under the imperial chapel is the so-called crypt of the Founder, the oldest part of the Capuchin chapel, which displays the famous sarcophagi - Emperor Matthew and Empress Anna. The last Austro-Hungarian heir, Otto von Habsburg, who died in July 2011, and his wife Regina von Sachsen-Meiningen were buried at Kapuzinergruft in Kaiserkapell. Translated with Google Translate

Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

The Ambassador Hotel closes the south side of the new market square. Thanks to the support of the US Embassy, on April 21, 2010, a memorial plaque was installed on the hotel’s facade. It says that Mark Twain stayed at this hotel from October 1898 to May 1899. He also stayed at the Metropole Hotel on Morzinplatz from September 1897 to May 1898 and spent the summer at Villa Paulhof in Kaltenleutben, where his wife and daughter Jane received treatment at the spa. Mark Twain himself and his daughter Klara did not like water procedures. Twain devoted much time to work, despite the dissatisfaction of his girls. In justification, Twain, with his inherent humor, said: “As soon as I went for a walk along the hills, the fog immediately enveloped me with my thick blanket. I fear that my view of things will be blurred.” Just a few years before the fateful 20th century, in 1897, Mark Twain from Austria wrote the famous article Steering times in Austria. (Time of troubles in Austria - free translation) In addition to Mark Twain, the following people stayed at this hotel: Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ford III, Thornton Wilder, Marlene Dietrich, Romy Schneider, Josephine Baker, Svyatoslav Richter, Robert Schumann, Louis Trenker, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru Princess Elena of Greece and Princess Maria Alexandria Victoria of Edinburgh. Well, we have to check out at the fountain in the center of the square and find out the fate of his sculptures, and the Vienna Woods and Baden are waiting for us tomorrow. Translated with Google Translate

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The Thunder Fountain in the center of the New Market was conceived and named the Providentia Fountain, however, for residents of the city it was easier and clearer to call it by the name of the creator - George Raphael Donner. So, the name Donnerbrunnen was fixed. Also, the name New Market did not immediately take root. This square was called the flour market. Under the rule of Maria Theresa, the nudity of the characters was considered offensive. At the initiative of the Chastity Commission, they were removed in 1773, and the sculptor Johann Martin Fischer was authorized to melt them. However, the sculptures were preserved in 1801, recognizing their high artistic value, the sculptures were returned to their original place. But already in 1873, the originals were replaced with bronze copies, and real sculptures adorn the center of the baroque department of the Belvedere Gallery. Translated with Google Translate

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