Places to visit in Israel

Maale Akrabim ancient Roman road. My trip in Israel of Dec 12, 2018


Ma'ale Akrabim Roman is a road that rises from Nahal Zin to the Great Crater. A very important way in the Roman period. It is very steep and difficult to climb. Three Roman fortresses were built along the hill. It was wonderful adventure! Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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6.41 km
4h 48 m
Places with media

Here begins the steep path. At first, it rises above the hard kiratonic layer, which constitutes a relatively steep slope. Later, it will turn into an elevation of about 40 degrees. The biblical virtue passes over the spur opposite. The Roman and Byzantine heights pass on the other side of Nahal Gov. The Mandatory status returns to the Biblical extension. Translated with Google Translate

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The term "Maale Akrabim" is sometimes used in Hebrew literature as a special expression to describe the time of many troubles and hardships in the life of the Jewish people. This expression is sometimes mentioned in letters sent from Israel requesting financial assistance from the Diaspora. In a letter sent from Jerusalem, the writers complain about their difficult situation: "The great sorrow ... the burden of debts at the top of the scorpions" Read more: Translated with Google Translate

The slopes of the ridge give plenty of water that is stored in the cisterns in Nahal Zin. In fact, the vegetation and twists of Nahal Zin receive the water as they roll powerfully on these slopes of Scorpio. Translated with Google Translate

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The difficult passage was paved and in fact was hewn in the bedrock during the Roman period. It also served as the main artery in the Negev during the Byzantium. In fact, it can be concluded that the southern boundary of the Land of Israel was crossed over many periods. The southern border is also the southern border of Judea. Red ruled the Negev Highlands. This is an area between Kadesh Barnea and Edom which is Zin desert. Translated with Google Translate

Another proof that here outside of Israel is that in the Shmita year the Haredim do not buy fruits and vegetables in Israel, but to the west they have been cut off - yes. Translated with Google Translate

Here we begin to see the Roman quarrying, which is the steps of a main road. The name "Scorpions" is the length o the book of Joshua "and Itza El-Mngb Lmalh Akrbim, and Abr chill, and Alh Mngb, Lkds Brna, and Abr Htzron and Alh Adrh, and Nsb Hkrkah. And Abr Atzmonh, and Itza brook of Egypt, and was (and Hio) Ttzaot Hgbol, Imh This will be for you, a great multitude. " Translated with Google Translate

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There is a saying that the name of scorpions refers to the steepness of the branches as a kind of scorpion's tail, and not necessarily to the scorpion itself, because many are in the ways of the desert. The slope opposite - the eastern bank of Nahal Gov - is the slope on which the Mandatory road, which is now closed to traffic, descends. Here was a major attack in 1954. Month of Adar 1954 From Umm Rashrash (is Eilat) A bus leaves. The passenger actually has a day on the road to reach the center of the country. Terrorists are going west on the Scorpions Road. Eleven passengers and 4 soldiers were injured. Twelve people were shot on the spot. The girl lived and her brother had been growing for many years. Haim Furstenberg The second driver and my wife were killed on the spot. Read more about the event: Moshe Sharett takes Za'ira and Orbach to write a happy song. A 5-year-old state, raises the spirits of the residents.

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Horbat Tzafir is a ruin from the Roman period. It is half way up the scorpions. From there to the Tzafir Fortress, the road is no longer steep as it is on its own. In fact, three fortresses, the independent one, are controlled along the way. What you see from here is the arch of the courtyards, the slopes of the Zin Zin. Zin Factory. Above it is the Oron factory and the third is the Rotem plant. Mount Zin Light Mountain. Hor mountain mountain Jebel Heron. Geographical reality points to Aaron's burial place. Mezad Tzafir Horbat Tzafir are points of connection along the way. Translated with Google Translate

Tzin is Tzinim, which means palm trees. Palm trees get along well with the salt water of those who charge in Zin and also the name of the river Gov. This whole area is the southern boundary of the Land of Israel. And the space that connects the slopes of the rising water that saturated the stream of Zin, and the Qin Zin border. Translated with Google Translate

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Since this is about the southern border and the southern part of the kingdom of Edom and the Nabataean islands, further evidence of the existence of ancient roads can be found. For example, recently, Kibbutz Yahel was found as a group of millstones. From the words he points to the great concentration of Roman camps. The Nabatean Spice Route is the most interesting place in the Arava today. The Nabatean road was littered with milestones in the cistern at Ramat Nafha. From fact to black axis. In the section between and no milestones were found. Translated with Google Translate

The lonely tristram is a silent witness to the long history of this place. By Arabs, the parade and the wadi are named as Perphei Aspie. Distributes the name of the place on the map of Madaba. Read more about Tristramit: Translated with Google Translate

At the beginning of the ascension or the end of the descent, the Romans established this building for guard and a stop. The building is from the 4th century CE. The structure was two-storeyed and the ceiling supported two internal arches. Translated with Google Translate

It was an Arab province in the Roman Empire, and Judea was a hilltop up the Scorpions. Translated with Google Translate

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