The kingdom of Jerusalem crusaders was founded in the 1099th year after the completion of the First Crusade and the conquest of the Holy Land. Jerusalem was the capital of the kingdom, while Acre was then a port city and was the main gate of the Holy Land. After the battle of Carne Hietin in 1187 and the defeat of the army of the Crusaders, the kingdom was conquered by Saladin, who was at the head of the Muslim forces. He was the ruler of Jerusalem and Acre for four years. In the 1191st year, after a two-year siege, Richard the Lionheart, who led the Christian armed forces, conquered Acre. During the Third Crusade, the Christians did not manage to conquer Jerusalem, and therefore they formed a new kingdom, located along the seashore, between Zur and Ashkelon. Acre, the second most important city in the Crusader Kingdom, became the capital of the second Christian kingdom. The Order of the Hospitallers, located in Jerusalem during the time of the First Kingdom of Jerusalem (1099-1187), moved its headquarters to Acre during the existence of the Second Kingdom of Jerusalem (1191-1291). The Hospitallers, who had their own quarter during the existence of the First Kingdom, returned to Acre, expanded their headquarters and built a new complex. The buildings of this complex were two- and three-story, they were located around the central courtyard; there were also underground parts - water tanks and sewer system. Not the whole complex has been investigated by archaeologists. So far, experts have investigated the territory, which is a total of about 5,000 square meters, and this territory includes the central courtyard and the northern, eastern and southern buildings. The western wing has not yet been investigated by archaeologists. The visitor of the complex can, in the main, admire the ruins of the first floor of the Hospitaller headquarters, because the upper floors were destroyed by Muslim invaders and time ... At present, there is an underground history museum under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. : the headquarters (Knight's Halls), the Church of St. John the Baptist - to the south of the headquarters (at present, the city club, located in the building of the Ottoman Saray) and the hospital, located her church, which has not yet been investigated by archaeologists.
Source: Old Acre Development Company National Library of Israel, Shepel Family Digital Project and Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Department of Geography - Historical Cities Research Project [Munster, 1550]
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Khan al-Umdan is a large Turkish inn and shopping center near the port. The port of Accra was used for international trade. Merchants who arrived at the port unloaded their goods and stored them in the storerooms of the inn on the first floor and slept in rooms on the second floor, which was a unique hotel and shopping center. The Khan (caravan shed) was built at the end of the 18th century by Ahmed al-Jazzar. Granite pillars are used along the perimeter of the courtyard, supporting the second floor. They were brought from various places as secondary material, after the destruction or decay of the ancient buildings of the time of Herod the Great. In particular, from ancient Caesarea. These columns were so impressive with their beauty and grace that they gave the name to the whole inn - Khan el Umdan - the Inn of the columns. Translated with Google Translate
The famous medieval order of the Templars was a monastic military order, which - on behalf of the Pope, guarded and accompanied pilgrims from Europe when they went to visit the holy places of the Land of Israel. Initially, the Templar appeared in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, hence their name, "Templar", from the word Templum - Temple. After the conquest of Jerusalem by Salah Al-Din in 1187, the Templars made Acre their home and began to build their quarter in the southwestern part of the city. At the western end of the tunnel, the main fortress of the Knights Templar order was built. “The Templar fortress was the strongest in the city, and for the most part it went to the sea line. Its entrance was protected by two powerful towers with 28-foot walls. Two smaller towers were built on each side of a large tower, and each of them was crowned with a gilded lion ”(from the descriptions of the Templar, who lived in Acre during the siege of 1291). Translated with Google Translate
In 1918, a road was built inside the tunnel for the passage of motorized transport of the British army, and in 1942 a railway was built, along which until 1948 the railway link between British Palestine and Lebanon passed. The railway tunnel was blown up by Haganah troops in 1948 during the War of Independence to prevent the invasion of Lebanese troops. Modern grottoes are equipped with a pedestrian gallery and a cable car. In addition, in the complex you can watch a film about the history of the place, ride a train along the coast and rent bicycles. Translated with Google Translate
The reserve Rosh aikra is located in a natural cleft (nikra) in the limestone rocks of the ridge, outstanding in the sea. Grottoes are located on the border between Israel and Lebanon. The waters of the sea on one side, and geological processes on the other, formed caves with a total length of about 400 meters at the junctions and strata of various rocks. There is a tradition that grottoes and the very soft rock rocks served in ancient times to create tunnels and passages in the ridge. This ridge separates the valleys of present-day southern Lebanon from the valleys of the Lower Galilee in present-day Israel. Tradition ascribes to Alexander of Macedon, the use of through caves during the march to the south, after the conquest of Tire in 333 BC. e. Translated with Google Translate
Here, watching the sunset you can only imagine how ancient people lived. There are many prehistoric settlements along the Betset and Kziv streams, starting from the Neolithic period (8,300 BC - 4500 BC) and leaving during the chalcolith period (4500 BC to 3150 BC.). This area was an ideal place for primitive people - shelters in caves, water in a stream and a valley, which gave people fish in the sea just 9 km to the west. Inside a nearby cave called the Mearat Manir, flint tools belonging to the chalcolith period (4500 BC to 3150 BC) were found. Pottery was also found on the edge of the cave, dating back to the Iron Age (1200-1000 BC, the period after the Israeli invasion of Canaan). Looking at these species, and realizing the antiquity of this story, it seems that eternity becomes tangible. Translated with Google Translate
Before sunset, from here from the heights of the mountains of the western Galilee there is a beautiful view of the sea and the valley. The roof of a huge karst cave collapsed and formed an arch. Therefore, the name of the cave is the Arched cave. Here is the time to meet the Queen of the Sabbath with Saturday chants and a special atmosphere that appears only on the eve of the arrival of the bride of the people of Israel - the Sabbath. Translated with Google Translate