Pinsteps. Villa Meliti

The Villa Meliti features six luxurious apartments, each with a unique style and character. The apartments are decorated with a vintage and modern decor blend, creating a charming and comfortable atmosphere. The villa also features a beautiful garden where guests can relax and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

Located near the Acropolis, the Parthenon, and other iconic Athens landmarks, Villa Meliti is an excellent choice for visitors exploring the city's history and culture. With its charming atmosphere and luxurious amenities, the villa is also an ideal retreat for those seeking a relaxing and peaceful vacation.

Pictures uploaded by @tomepris
List of routes including this place
A Brief Walk in Athens (plan)

Begins in villa Melliti, close to city-center. The tour includes historic points in Athens and its famous heritage sights such as the Acropolis and others. The tour ends in Plaka quarter, where you can finally relax and buy yourself some greek treats.

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tomepris (author)
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