Pinsteps. Limni Vouliagmenis opening hours and fee policy
Places to visit in Vouliagmeni. Languages: en

The opening hours and fee policy of Limni Vouliagmenis may vary depending on the season and other factors, so it's always a good idea to check with the official website or local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Generally, the lake is open to visitors every day from early morning until late evening. However, the opening hours may vary depending on the season and weather conditions, so it's always a good idea to check beforehand.

As for the fee policy, there is usually an admission fee for visitors to enter the lake area. Again, the exact cost may vary depending on the season and other factors, but generally, it is reasonable and affordable. Visitors can pay the admission fee at the entrance, and there may also be options for purchasing tickets online or in advance.

In addition to the admission fee, there may be additional fees for other services or activities, such as renting a sun lounger or umbrella or using other facilities at the lake.

It's always a good idea to check for the most up-to-date information on opening hours and fees so that you can plan your visit accordingly.

Pictures uploaded by @tomepris
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Vouliagmeni of Apr 16, 2019

Limni Vouliagmenis is a stunning natural thermal lake located near Athens, Greece. With year-round swimming, therapeutic waters, and a beautiful forested backdrop, it's a popular and affordable tourist destination.

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