Places to visit

Safed. The Kabbalah Pathways Quest. Path 2.


The Kabbalah Pathways Quest allows you to immerse yourself in the unique and inimitable atmosphere of the holy city of Safed. The mystics lived and worked here. Walking these pathways, you can touch the world of Kabbalah, and the secrets of this extraordinary city, which has its original look and spirit that sets it apart from every other city in Israel. We will visit ancient synagogues in which the great sages of the “Golden Age” prayed and studied the secrets of the Torah. We will go through the artists' quarter, visit the galleries, and find out how the city lives today. To path from milestone to milestone further along with the map in the app, you have to answer a question by choosing the correct answer. The right answer will open the next stop in the application. Tasks - these are the questions on the route on which you should find the right answer. The task does not require its execution quickly and does not carry any competitive elements. For example, you can ask for the correct answer to a question from passing locals. The blue path on the map leads to each subsequent point on the route, while the blue arrow on the map shows your current location. Point the arrow along the blue line to the next stop and go on. Descriptions along the path will help you pay attention to important things.

Author & Co-authors
Ben Canar (author)
Профессиональный гид, говорит на шести языках. А так же музыкальный продюсер и педагог. Проекты: Digital Samsara, Shvil Hehalav, Sambation, Укулеле в две недели....
Zhenya Shmuter
Шмутер Евгений, экскурсовод с 20-летним стажем, автор эксклюзивных туров по образовательному и тематическому туризму. Художник и рок музыкант. Основатель компании NCT («New Concept Tour»).
2.14 km
4h 2 m
Places with media
Uploaded by Ben Canar

Over the centuries, the fortress was repeatedly built and destroyed by Jews, Romans, Arabs, Crusaders, Mamluks, Turks, and earthquakes. In the center of the fortress stood a 60-meter tower, from which it was possible to control all the nearby trade routes, which gave the city its name “Safed” (from the Hebrew root “tsofe” - to observe). Due to its strategic location, this city was the goal of any conqueror. In the 15-16th century, Safed was the administrative and trading capital of Galilee and the spiritual center of the entire Jewish people. This period is considered the "Golden Age" of the city.

The Task: Safed was the largest crusader fortress in the 13th century in the Middle East. What order of the crusaders did it belong to? Enter the number of the correct answer:

  1. Mamelukes

  1. Templars

  1. Maccabees
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