Places to visit in Odesa

Odessa. Flea market and flea market. May 19, 2019


This walk around the city is a little reckless. Maybe this is her charm and maybe this is what she echoes the spirit of those places through which she passes. One could say from bazaar to bazaar. From the Old Stables Market to the Old Bazaar Square. Both of them were built as bazaars by the young architect Torricelli, whom fate brought to Odessa at the beginning of the 19th century from Lugano. The first bazaar flourishes to this day. The second has long been gone. The first grows every Saturday and Sunday like a snowball and becomes the largest flea market in eastern Europe. The second one will please only a small tavern with a herring and a hodgepodge. And between them? Between them, the house is the apartment of the most famous Odessa citizen - Leonid Osipovich Utesov. Translated with Google Translate

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Evgeny Praisman (author)
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2.87 km
2h 53 m
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    The Starokonny market on Moldavanka is the oldest of the existing markets in Odessa. It began its history in the mid-19th century on the outskirts of the city, but was not very popular. The second life was given to him by the horse trade, which became very popular with the development of horse racing under Langeron and Vorontsov. Later, this trade becomes very import, and the market received the name Starokonny. The market began to sell animals and various old items. Once, they sold aquarium fish, then books. After restoration in 2004, the market became the largest flea market in the city; on weekends, flea market merchants come here from all over the district and turn around for several quarters into endless banks of all kinds of tat. Translated with Google Translate

    • Do you sell this chess?
    • My grandfather also played them. Do you want to buy or are you just interested?
    • I don’t even know why I asked. “So, I thought so too.”
    • Is it right about grandfather?
    • So you still want to buy it? Translated with Google Translate
    • Is this a real German-made tool?
    • How did you get the idea that this is a German tool?
    • Looks like high-quality, isn't German?
    • Why do you say it seems like high-quality? It is indeed of high quality, and it is German made.
    Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

    The flea market in Odessa is like a good yeast dough. A short time after a good kneading, it grows, sprawls, leaves the banks and fills the streets and courtyards, climbs the walls with spreading garlands of second-hand clothes. It spreads tat and shlock on the sidewalks, is filled to the brim with “dead” items, which uncontrollably cling to the chance for a new life. It seems as though life does not notice them until it comes across a cute brooch in a cardboard box, or a leather briefcase with a worn handle, or an old accordion with yellowed keys. And then, the buyer and the seller have a choice: either meet at the price and farewell with a feeling of satisfaction, or uncompromisingly look for the best deal under the scorching rays of the ruthless Odessa sun.

    Uploaded by Evgeny Praisman

    For the year of his work as mayor of Odessa, the former disgraced president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili made quite a few scandals and reforms, but Odessa residents may remember him opening the museum to Leonid Osipovich Utesov. Leiser Yosifovich Weissbane was born here in this courtyard. The museum contains Utesov’s personal belongings from the private collection of Eduard Amchinsky, the former owner of the apartment who emigrated to the United States.

    Ut'osova St, 11, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000 The museum is open daily from 11:00 to 17:00 except Sunday and Wednesday. Translated with Google Translate

    In 1824, the young architect Toricelli came from Lugano to Odessa. He gave Odessa a city plan, a merchant exchange building and two bazaars. Starokonyushenny and the second here on the site of this square. While in Odessa, do not forget to try the hodgepodge and heartlet with onions and sunflower oil. Translated with Google Translate

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