Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: ru, he, en

This house was built by Christian Friedrich Hacker in 1873. Later a local teacher lived here, and after the Second World War an institution was set up to provide assistance to the needy segments of the population. Today here is an interesting ceramic workshop of Adina Plastelin. This is a special technique for the production of various beautiful things using ceramic clay. Pieces of clay of different colors are made up like a huge puzzle. Then they begin to knead and stretch to the point where the cut becomes so thin that it is sufficient for firing and the production of jewelry or other jewelry. The thinnest piece carries a variety of colors and a pattern like its big brother, and the impression is that everything is done with jeweler's precision under a magnifying glass. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Polo Polotsky
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Polo Polotsky
A23 - Dinner at Sarona

After a wonderful dinner from the menu of five Asian cuisines, it's nice to stroll through the quiet streets of the ancient German colony of Saron in the heart of modern Tel Aviv Translated with Google Translate

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