Pinsteps. HaTa'arucha Bridge
Places to visit in תל אביב-יפו. Languages: ru, he, en

Right behind the bridge, wings await you. These wings of the work of the Mexican sculptor Jorge Marina became famous. They were part of the Wings of the City theme that was part of the permanent exhibition in Mexico City in a city park opposite the Institute of Anthropology. Against the background of these wings, they love to do “wing photos”. Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @Polo Polotsky
List of routes including this place
Polo Polotsky
A23 - Park Yarkon - Server Port - Reading Beacon (ru)

On weekdays, in the middle of the working day, in the noise and rush of the big city, there is a place where there is a pause. On the route Reading - city window. Translated with Google Translate

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Polo Polotsky (author)
CTO Pinsteps
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