Pinsteps. Budavári Evangélikus Templom és Gyülekezet
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Lutheran Church of Budavár is the oldest Lutheran church of Buda. The first church for the Lutherans of Buda was built by Maria Dorothea, third wife of Palatine Joseph, in 1846, at hu:Dísz tér. The site was taken over by the Ministry of Defence, so a new church was built near Bécsi kapu. The building was designed by Mór Kallina and it was consecrated in 1895 by Sámuel Sárkány, bishop of the Lutheran diocese of Bánya. It has eclectic neobaroque style with a neobaroque façade. Its entrance is surrounded by two Corinthian order-like columns with shoulders. It has a tall, slim square tower whose steeple is again neobaroque in style. There is a double loft over the entrance. Most of the church was destroyed by a bomb detonation during the Siege of Budapest in 1945. Only the outer walls escaped destruction. The altar, the benches and the organ were all lost. Plans for reconstruction were made by Lóránt Friedrich and Jr Gyula Bretz. The new church was sanctified by Lajos Ordas bishop on Palm Sunday, 1948. While the exterior retained its neobaroque flavour in a simplified form, the interior became much austere. There is a huge cross behind the wooden altar table and a mosaic window over it admitting some light within. There is a red marble chrzcielnica at the altar and a bronze tablet about vicar Gábor Sztehlo. This church today is the centre of liturgical life for the Lutheran Diocese of Budavár. There are several services every Sunday and on holidays. Flats and offices for the vicars, rooms for the congregation and the centre for the German speaking Lutheran Diocese of Budavár adjoin the church. Since 1952, it has also been the centre of the Northern Lutheran See. Several bishops were ordained here.

Photo: By Misibacsi at Hungarian Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Pictures uploaded by @Emily Praisman
List of trips including this place
Emily Praisman
My first day in Budapest

This track is a walking the route with an audio guide to Budapest. A full-day trip is a great way to get to know the city and its history. The excursion begins at the Opera building, then through the park goes to the Parliament building. From the parliament building, which is highly recommended to visit, the embankment route passes to the memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. Then we cross the Danube along one of the most recognizable bridges in Europe and the most famous bridge in Budapest - the Széchenyi Bridge. In the part of the city that used to be called Buda, we will climb the hill of the royal castle and find ourselves in the most beautiful places. There are the Fisherman's Bastion, the ancient streets, and towers and at the end of the exploration of this part of the city, we will descend into an underground labyrinth with rock paintings. At the end of the beautiful day, we will visit the museum of the Jewish mystic illusionist Houdini, the most famous funicular in Europe and the zero kilometer of the Hungarian Republic.

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Lutheran Church of Budavár is the oldest Lutheran church of Buda. It was built in 1895 at Bécsi kapu tér in District I of Budapest, Hungary.

The first church for the Lutherans of Buda was built by Maria Dorothea, third wife of Palatine Joseph, in 1846, at hu:Dísz tér. The site was taken over by the Ministry of Defence, so a new church was built near Bécsi kapu.

The building was designed by Mór Kallina and it was consecrated in 1895 by Sámuel Sárkány, bishop of the Lutheran diocese of Bánya. It has eclectic neobaroque style with a neobaroque façade. Its entrance is surrounded by two Corinthian order-like columns with shoulders. It has a tall, slim square tower whose steeple is again neobaroque in style. There is a double loft over the entrance.

Memorial tablet of Gábor Sztehlo


Most of the church was destroyed by a bomb detonation during the Siege of Budapest in 1945. Only the outer walls escaped destruction. The altar, the benches and the organ were all lost. Plans for reconstruction were made by Lóránt Friedrich and Jr Gyula Bretz. The new church was sanctified by Lajos Ordas bishop on Palm Sunday, 1948. While the exterior retained its neobaroque flavour in a simplified form, the interior became much austere. There is a huge cross behind the wooden altar table and a mosaic window over it admitting some light within. There is a red marble chrzcielnica at the altar and a bronze tablet about vicar Gábor Sztehlo.

This church today is the centre of liturgical life for the Lutheran Diocese of Budavár. There are several services every Sunday and on holidays. Flats and offices for the vicars, rooms for the congregation and the centre for the German speaking Lutheran Diocese of Budavár adjoin the church. Since 1952, it has also been the centre of the Northern Lutheran See. Several bishops were ordained here.

The tower and the paved area in front of the church were renovated in 2008.


The church has no pulpit because the original one was destroyed in 1945 together with all the other pieces of furniture. This pulpit was a precious relic from the first church on Dísz tér because its upper part was transferred here from the demolished building. The plans of Mór Kallina, dated 1894, show a monumental altar-pulpit in line with the Central-European Lutheran tradition. These interior plans were only partially executed and the pulpit was built instead as a separate structure on the left side of the apse. The access was from the sacristy through a steep stairway. The hexagonal wooden balcony was supported by a huge hexagonal pillar. The surface imitated marble veneer with gilt decorations.

The relief on the middle panel depicted The Sower as a Hungarian peasant among trees and fields. The other four panels were decorated with Christian symbols including the scriptures, cross, torches, and a laurel wreath. On the underside of the abat-voix there was the Eye of Providence between rays of light. The hexagonal canopy was crowned with the Tablets of Stone set on silvery clouds and framed with gilt palm and laurel branches.[1]


  1. ^ Győry Aranka: Evangélikus templomművészet Budapesten, Budapesti evangélikus egyházak, 1935, pp. 39-40.


A description about the church

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