Pinsteps. Story's Gate, London
Places to visit in London. Languages: ru, he, en

Westminster today refers to the Church of St. Peter and the famous palace, which houses the English Parliament and the London newborthhood. The name Westminster translates as Western Church which was the abbey's name at the beginning of its history, in contrast to the Eastern Church's Cathedral of St. Paul. The historic London developed between these churches. Our path will run along Story Gate street. If we could look underground, we would see ancient streams washing the blackberry island on which Westminster was built. Behind the complex were the royal lands, and the Storey family was the Guardian of these places. One of the Story family members who worked for the royal family, Edward Storey, was the most famous Guardian of the royal property. It is after him and his relatives that the former gate and current street is named Storey Gate. Don't forget to visit the public toilet in the small square.

Photo: [By Romainbehar - Own work, CC0] ( Translated with Google Translate

Pictures uploaded by @tonyameteneva
List of trips including this place
London. Royal tour

This four-hour walk in London introduces us to Westminster, the heart of the English monarchy. We will visit the old abbey, find the lawn on which the football game was born, and taste ale in the oldest pub. Look into the Winston Churchill bunker, find out who catches mice at 10 Downing Street, get acquainted with the ceremonies of Buckingham Palace and walk through the parks. We will visit the famous Piccadilly Street and its neighbour, where tailors rented rooms to Rothschild and Isaac Newton. We will relax in Trafalgar Square if we wish, we will visit the National Gallery. Finally, we will find ourselves in the theatre district and the Soho quarter. Let us go!

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