Pinsteps. The Ministerienbrunnen, also known as the Ministries Fountain, is a historic fountain in Vienna, Austria
Places to visit in Vienna. Languages: en

The Ministerienbrunnen, also known as the Ministries Fountain, is a historic fountain in Vienna, Austria. Situated on Minoritenplatz, the fountain is surrounded by significant buildings, including the Federal Chancellery and the Austrian Ministry of European and International Affairs. Built in the 19th century, the Ministerienbrunnen exemplifies the Neo-Renaissance architectural style, featuring elegant sculptures and intricate design elements. The fountain serves as both a notable historical landmark and a popular gathering place for locals and tourists alike, contributing to the charm and atmosphere of the area.

Pictures uploaded by @kchernavin
List of routes including this place
Vienna's Path of Diversity: Exploring Streets, Parks, Fountains, and Bridges. Jun 26, 2019

Embark on a diverse walking tour through the vibrant streets of Vienna. Begin at the ADMIRAL Filiale on Laurenzberg Street, where you can immerse yourself in a modern gaming and entertainment experience. As you continue along Laurenzberg Street, take in the architectural charm and historic atmosphere of this famous street in Vienna.

From there, go to Fleischmarkt Street, known for its historical significance as a bustling meat market in medieval times. Marvel at the charming buildings and imagine the vibrant market scene that once thrived here.

Next, head towards Stadt Park, located near the picturesque Stubenbrücke. This serene urban oasis offers a peaceful escape with lush greenery and meandering paths. Take a stroll and enjoy the tranquillity of this beautiful park.

As you venture further, you'll come across the Ministerienbrunnen, a historic fountain that adds a touch of elegance to Vienna's landscape. Admire the intricate design and appreciate the historical significance of this fountain as you pause for a moment of reflection.

Continue your journey to Georg Coch Platz, a square in the heart of Vienna. Immerse yourself in the bustling atmosphere of this vibrant urban space, surrounded by historic buildings and lively city life.

Next, head to the Aspernbrücke, a notable bridge in Vienna. Cross the bridge and take in the views of the scenic Danube Canal as you marvel at the architectural beauty that spans the water.

To experience a unique aquatic attraction, visit Badeschiff Wien, the Vienna Badeschiff. This floating swimming pool and leisure facility provide a refreshing escape, allowing you to relax and swim while enjoying the urban surroundings.

Conclude your walking tour along the Danube Canal promenade. As you wander this vibrant pathway, take in the beautiful views of the canal, and enjoy the blend of urban charm and natural beauty that this area offers.

This diverse walking tour takes you through Vienna's varied landscapes and attractions, allowing you to experience the city's modern entertainment venues, historic streets, serene parks, iconic fountains, vibrant squares, and scenic waterfront areas.

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kchernavin (author)
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