Routes: 50

As a tourist destination, Russia is a vast country with a centuries-old history, many cultural landmarks, and diverse landscapes. Russia's history dates back more than a thousand years. The most famous period in Russia's history is probably the reign of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great when Russia became a great empire. Russia has many beautiful castles, palaces, and churches that reflect different periods of its history and are tourist attractions.

Russia has a rich heritage in the arts, literature, and music. Russian classics such as Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov have left an indelible mark on world literature. Russian music is also known worldwide thanks to such composers as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Igor Stravinsky, and Sergei Prokofiev. Russia is also famous for its ballet, which is highly regarded in Russia and abroad.

Russian cuisine is known for its traditional and hearty dishes. However, Russia has many words that have come to us from the distant past. These dishes were prepared in the home kitchens of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They include borscht, soups, dumplings, pancakes, Olivier salad, and much more. Many national drinks are also popular in Russia, including kvass and vodka.

People in Russia are amiable and hospitable. Russians are ready to help tourists and share their experiences and knowledge about their country. Russia is multiethnic, and tourists can meet people from different ethnic groups and cultures. Russia is also known for its artists, writers, and musicians; tourists can easily find exciting exhibitions and concerts in other cities.

Modern Russia strives to develop and improve its economy, technology, and culture. Russia is one of the world's largest oil and gas producers and an important player on the international stage. Russia is also actively working to develop tourism and aims to create more comfortable conditions for tourists.

In conclusion, Russia is a unique tourist destination that can offer many exciting experiences and opportunities. Russia has a rich history, culture, cuisine, friendly and hospitable people, and a desire for development and improvement.

Languages: HE, RU


Indigirka River: Rafting, Fishing, Origins of Sep 1, 2018

Rafting and fishing on the Indigirka River offer thrilling and memorable outdoor experiences in the heart of Siberia. The river's cold, clear waters, varying currents, and rugged, pristine surroundings create an ideal setting for adventure-seekers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Rafting down the Indigirka provides a unique opportunity to explore the remote wilderness and witness the breathtaking landscapes of the Sakha Republic. The river's course presents various challenges, from calmer stretches to exhilarating rapids, catering to beginners and experienced rafters. The journey can take several days or even weeks, depending on the chosen route and level of difficulty, with stops at various campsites or settlements along the way.

Fishing in the Indigirka River is equally rewarding, with the chance to catch various fish species, such as Arctic cisco, broad whitefish, Siberian white salmon, and Northern pike. In addition, anglers can hone their skills by casting from the shore or fishing from a boat while marvelling at the region's natural beauty and diverse wildlife.

The name "Indigirka" originates from the native Even language. The word "Indigir" or "Indigirk" translates to "small" or "narrow river." The name likely refers to the river's initial narrow stretches before it expands and meanders through the vast Siberian landscape.

In conclusion, rafting and fishing on the Indigirka River offer incredible adventures in a breathtaking, remote environment. The driver's name, rooted in the Even indigenous language, reflects its humble beginnings before transforming into a vital waterway in the Siberian wilderness.

Ekaterinburg's brief Journey

As a business traveller in Ekaterinburg, you walk from the Yeltsin Center back to the Tenet Hotel, passing through the city centre and discovering the rich history of the Ural capital. The Ural region, situated between Europe and Asia, derives its name from the Ural Mountains, which have long been considered the natural boundary between the two continents. The term "Ural" likely originates from the word "ur," meaning "a mountain" in the ancient Turkic and Finno-Ugric languages.

Russians began to explore and settle in the Ural region in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Ekaterinburg was founded by Vasily Tatishchev and Georg Wilhelm de Gennin in 1723 and was named in honour of Empress Catherine II (Catherine the Great). Its original name was Ekaterinburg, which was briefly changed to Sverdlovsk during the Soviet era before reverting to its original name in 1991.

Before the Bolshevik Revolution, Ekaterinburg was a vital industrial and cultural centre, with a thriving mining and metalworking industry due to the abundant natural resources of the Ural Mountains. The city also served as a hub for the arts, with a rich theatre, music, and literature tradition.

In modern times, Ekaterinburg has continued to grow in importance as a significant industrial, cultural, and economic centre. It is the administrative centre of the Sverdlovsk Oblast. It plays a vital role in Russia's economy, primarily due to its industrial sector and strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The city is also known for its vibrant cultural scene, hosting numerous festivals, exhibitions, and conferences, making it a key player in Russia's contemporary landscape.

Сунтар: природа, рыбалка, историяf Sep 1, 2018

Сплав по реке Сунтар – это уникальное путешествие по одной из малых порожистых рек Якутии, которое позволяет насладиться живописной природой и узнать о культуре и истории региона. Река протекает через гористые и лесистые районы, создавая потрясающие пейзажи и предоставляя возможности для рыбалки. Здесь обитают таймень, хариус, ленок и другие виды.

Природа Якутии поражает своим разнообразием и красотой: от заснеженных гор до бескрайних просторов тайги и зеленых лугов. Вдоль реки можно встретить различные виды растений и животных, многие из которых являются эндемиками этого региона. Летом здесь сухо и тепло, а зимой очень холодно. Котловина Оймякона считается самым холодным местом на Земле, здесь была зарегистрирована температура минус 72 градуса по цельсию.

Якутия также богата полезными ископаемыми. В пойме реки могут находиться месторождения золота, алмазов, угля и других ценных ресурсов. Эти богатства привлекли людей в регион и стимулировали развитие экономики, в частности, строительство транспортных магистралей.

Колымский тракт – это историческая дорога, которая соединяет Якутск и Магадан. Она была построена в первой половине XX века и связана со страшной историей ГУЛАГа, системы советских принудительных трудовых лагерей. Участок дороги от Оймякона до Магадана получил название "Дорога на костях" из-за огромного числа погибших на строительстве заключенных. По разным оценкам, от 250 тысяч до 1 миллиона человек погибло в процессе строительства этой дороги, многие из них похоронены рядом с дорогой или непосредственно под ней.

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