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Discover Santa Clause


Hello! Welcome to the virtual quest in the footsteps of Santa Claus! We will find out where Santa lives, who helps him, and how he copes with all our desires. Our quest questions are simple, but those who believe in Santa Claus can handle them best! In the end, we will all meet in Santa's virtual room in his village. Do not rush; Santa will meet everyone, be careful, and answer all questions correctly. So! Let's hit the road!

Languages: EN
Author & Co-authors
Audra (author)
Welcome to my Incentivus: meetings and events! Planning and designing Your events, we in Incentivus pour our hearts and souls to deliver the purest, rawest and the most organic emotions to You. With You, we create meetings, events, and conferences full of human connections no matter how far away from each other we are.
5237.52 km
52h 22 m
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Uploaded by Audra

The Lithuanians stood out among all with the fact that they have three Santa Claus. One of them is reminiscent of the days of the Soviet Union is Senelis Shatis. The second is a tracing paper for the American Santa Caledu Senialis. And the most popular of all is Kaleda. In ancient times, the Slavs celebrated the baby's birthday - the sun; in other words, the onset of the new year. This holiday was held on the day of the winter solstice. The Old Man, the Sun Horse, died on the longest night, and the Infant Kalyada was born. That meant the beginning of a new cycle - "kolo," that is, New Year. Gradually, Christianity supplanted the old customs and replaced them with its own. However, despite this, Kalyada is still remembered, and some customs are observed. The ancients believed that all spirits go out on Christmas, which is when the time of Kalyada came. The hostess of the house-baked bread with the sun's symbols is now a loaf, and it is decorated with straw, which was intended for Kalyada. They put kutya on the table, baked figures of animals to lure Kalyada since it was believed that this brings wealth. Traditional dishes can still be found on the tables of today's Lithuanians. Since the Lithuanians turned out to have quite a many Santa Clauses, they do not have a clear residence. Therefore, it was decided to hold celebrations and meetings with the Grandfathers in the capital of Santa Clauses - Trakai. There, in the observation square next to the Trakai Castle, hundreds of Santas gather from all over Lithuania and not only. Grandiose fairs, contests, and other entertainments are held. Here every child can make a wish from Santa.

How many are the minimum attributes associated with Kolyada on the traditional Lithuanian table?


Photo By AwOiSoAk KaOsIoWa, CC BY-SA 3.0

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