Places to visit in Zikhron Ya'akov, Yokne'am Illit, Tira, Livnim

My trip in Zikhron Ya'akov, Yokne'am Illit, Tira, Livnim of Sep 24, 2018


Big trip in a small Israel! We are mixed Israeli-Russian family. Our Israeli father is a big fan of humus, he can eat it for breakfast, lunch & dinner. So we started our small adventure with great Arab humus in Tira🥣👏🏻 My two small monsters (5 & 1,5 years old) have more energy than power reactor and they love to swim. Firstly we threw them to a swimming pool at friendly village house in Livnim with a lot of cats and dogs. Secondly they were swimming in the Sea of Galilee with mud. Best holiday ever!!!! What about me?! I am happy when my family is happy!!!

Author & Co-authors
Alina Frenkel (author)
Израиль. И не только!
327.77 km
55h 27 m
Places with media

Best humus, really good butchers.

Very sweet & cheap

Livnim (Hebrew: לִבְנִים‬, lit. Birches) is a community settlement in northern Israel. Located northwest of the Sea of Galilee.

Big parking, small cafe, nice place for swimming in the Sea of Galilee.

Good place for children

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